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Christy Alli


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Website Design 101: 3 things your Website is missing that will help your SEO

April 3, 2023

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Website Design 101: 3 things your Website is missing that will help your SEO

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I know I know, your business website is perfect, so why in the world do I think it could be missing one of the 3 keys things ? (hint hint: because mine was – ha!)

Yup. I said it. Even the “pros” need a gut check every once in a while.

Women website designing on computer

Here we go …

1. Brand Photography

*to be blunt* If your photos suck … so will your website. Brand Photography and Web Design really go hand in hand. If you are planning to get or update your website soon – book your brand photos NOW. Your brand photos give us (as designers) a HUGE glimpse into the personality behind the brand. … And also, professional photos give that *zing* that you’re gonna want. Photos + Design should be a joint investment. If you are a personal brand or selling services – your potential clients needs to see you! This builds major trust.

I would wager this is the single most important investment alongside your website

When you book your brand photos, put together a mood board–who doesn’t want to spend a little time on pinterest, seriously– really think and begin painting a picture of what you want your brand to feel like! Chances are there are other people on the interwebs doing what you’re doing — this is your chance to STAND OUT and be unique. If you’re going to invest in a custom brand and website … make it worth your while and get a solid plan together. It’ll be worth it — trust me!

2. Website Copy

Not all web designers are copywriters as well — honestly, most of us are NOT. We can help, but you need to be prepared to provide the majority of it. If you’re not comfortable or have the time to write your own copy, let’s pair you with a copywriter that will help! This is one of the biggest things that holds up a design project. (don’t let that be you!)

If you hate writing copy, if you LOATHE is. Please hire someone to help (I have sources) — if you hate doing it, you’ll put it off and it will delay your project. (trust me on this.)

This is actually an area I’ve been upping my game with. Keywords, SEO and overall website performance are found in your copy. If you haven’t read the book “Building your Brandstory,” by Donald Miller – I highly recommend. I’ve been working on a new outline to help my clients with their copy — keep an eye out for that!

3. Privacy / Terms and Conditions

At minimum you need a privacy statement

Hint: This was the one I missed for myself. Whoops.

What are these? No worries, I gotchu …

Privacy policy is a legal document that discloses the ways in which a website collects, processes, stores, shares and protects user data. The purposes for doing so and the rights of the users in that regard.

“Terms of Use” (sometimes called “Terms of Service” or “Terms and Conditions”) is a way for you to set up rules and regulations for visitors using your business’ website. It’s also a way to protect your business by limiting liability of a customer were to take you to court.

This is a legal issue.

For most businesses you want this [privacy policy] on your site for your protection (and it’s legally required). The privacy policy protects you! Typically this is listed at the very bottom of a website in the footer so it doesn’t skew the aesthetic of the design. Typically you purchase a policy best suited for your occupation from a business lawyer.

I purchased my privacy policy from Brand Law Boutique

So, was I right? Were you MAYYYYBE missing 1 of these things on your website? Hopefully these were some great tips to help you as you get your website up and running OR to make sure if you’re a seasoned small business owner that you have all your ducks in a row.

Was this helpful? I’m all about making sure your website is working for you even if you at the beginning and bootstrapping your way along. Keep going! Come follow me over on the ‘gram for more tips and tricks @christyalli. See you over there!

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Captivating brands and websites for ambitious entrepreneurs

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